Association de Sauvegarde du


Supportive Membership

To contribute to the development of our Association, participate in:
to its work,
its activities,

and enable the realization of its projects, we offer you to become:


Adhering members: annual membership fee fifteen euros (15 €)
Send your payment by cheque to the order of "Association pour la sauvegarde du château de Gavray" accompanied by the document "application for membership" duly completed and signed.
In return, you will receive a membership card and you will be:
* informed of the evolution of our activities,
* invited to our Annual General Meeting.
Membership form: click here

Online membership by HelloAsso: click here



Benefactor members in a personal capacity: from fifty euros (50 €)
Benefactor members for a company: from two hundred euros (200 €)
Benefactor members: other amountsSend your payment by cheque to the order of "Association pour la sauvegarde du château de Gavray" accompanied by the "support" document duly completed and signed.
You will receive a benefactor membership card and you will be:
* informed of the evolution of our activities,
* Invited to the annual meeting of the Benefactor Members' Club.
Benefactor member: click here

To access our statutes: click here
