Association de Sauvegarde du


Some documents to download

Some landmarks on Gavray (from the eleventh to the nineteenth century)

(Produced with the kind permission of Bernard Beck, author of "GAVRAY-HAMBYE, Histoire et Monuments d'un canton bas-normand" published by Editions OCEP)

The writers of Gavray.

A few points of reference on the history of fortified castles.

Mémorandum pour la sauvegarde et la valorisation du Château Ducal de Gavray

Brochure de présentation du site.

Leaflet presenting the site in English.

Merkblatt präsentiert die Seite auf Deutsch.

Prospectus de présentation du site.

L'affiche de l'association

Extraits du recueil consacré aux 1 000 ans d’histoire de ce site archéologique.

It is available on and in bookstores.

To view these documents, you need Adobe Acrobat software, which allows you to read "PDF" files. This software, which is free, is often already installed on computers. Otherwise, just click on the icon to the right of this text to download it and then be able to install or update it.

