Association de Sauvegarde du


Our projects


Certaines évolutions, une meilleure connaissance physique du site et les outrages du temps nous ont amené à revoir et à remettre en perspectives certains de nos projets pour privilégier ce que nous ait apparu comme essentiel


1 - Safeguarding and enhancement of the site :

The state of the remains of the only ducal castle still existing in the department of La Manche raises many concerns about its sustainability. There are realities that even the untrained eye can perceive immediately. The choice to leave these ruins as a simple destination for a walk, unsupervised and without rules, despite the test of time, proves in this case to be the surest way to help their degradation, or even their disappearance since they are vestiges for the most part on the ground. The noble choice that these ruined castles remain so because they are places of nature crystallizing the original myths of our identity, regardless of their fundamental social utility as places of popular encounters, is largely called into question by the events of recent years. The multiplication of incivilities, conscious or not, acts of vandalism (5 complaints filed in 2 years) has forged our conviction: the preservation of the castle must be a priority action. At the same time, a number of measures would make it easier for uninformed visitors to understand the remains, thus reinforcing the interest of this site.

Our various discussions with the municipality of Gavray, owner of the site, led us to send, together with the mayor, a memorandum to the President of the Community of Communes "Coutances Mer et Bocage" of which Gavray is a part. This 23-page memorandum proposes:
- As a first step, to mandate an organization such as the Cabinet d'architecture, d'urbanisme et de l'environnement (C.A.U.E.), which had carried out a study of the development of the castle site in August/September 1993 with the mission of:
. validate, modify or amend some of our proposals, . develop and structure some other proposals, . quantify these proposals, . Propose a plan for implementation.
Secondly,  on the basis of the body's report, establish a timetable for implementation and find funding.
This document was addressed to:
- the departmental councillor in charge of heritage,
- the Vice-President of the CMB in charge of culture and heritage,
- the president of the EPIC (Tourist Offices),
- a regional councillor,
-and, to the Member of Parliament for the constituency.
A first meeting was organised at the initiative of the CMB on 27 April, which concluded with the creation of a steering committee comprising:
- a member of the departmental council,
- two members of the CMB,
- the Mayor of Gavray,
- four members of the association,
and the decision to entrust the association with the drafting of a draft set of specifications. A second meeting was held on 30 May, to which the C.A.U.E. was invited, and at the end of which it was asked to share with the committee its thoughts on the association's proposals. In an e-mail dated 27 November, the C.A.U.E. proposed to the committee, which accepted it:
- a way of thinking,

- a progress meeting in February.

2 – Maintenance of the site :

On the way to the site:
- create new, larger gutters to evacuate runoff water on the Berence side,

- Clear the cement curbs by recovering the gravel surface.


- Repair the access staircase to the site on  "Haute Ville" street

-Bring the electrical current to the site.

3 –classification of the place :

The castle is an integral part of Norman history and its remains are the only ones existing of the old ducal castles of the department of Manche.Eu regard to the past, the vulnerability of its remains that can be discovered on the ground is important, in order to preserve the future, to protect them from the vicissitudes of history. In 2014, we therefore initiated a process to obtain its classification as a "Historic Monument".
On June 12, 2014, following the visit of the architect of the buildings of France, we received a letter from the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) informing us of the submission of our request for protection to the opinion of a future permanent delegation of the Regional Commission for Heritage and Sites which will decide on the advisability of continuing the procedure. In 2015, on 1 April, the DRAC informed us of the favourable opinion issued by the delegation for the continuation of the investigation, our case to be examined at a future commission. In 2016, the DRAC informed us that it would come back to us in 2017.In 2017, no news, we relaunched.

